
Summer Growth plan for college students



VINI 暑期大学生成长计划

为了让同学们更真切地感触到商业世界,2021年夏天,VINI面向重庆各高校发起“2021 VINI暑期大学生成长计划”,并邀请到了29名优秀的在校生参加了本次成长计划。VINI夏令营设置了丰富的课程,不仅有很多商业品牌相关学习计划,如商业逻辑分析、品牌定位与策划、品牌VI等设计基础知识、商务谈判技巧等,此外还为同学们用心安排了有意思的能力拓展课程,如英语外教口语课、抖音运营课程等等。同学们在此期间学习到了很多书本上看不到的知识,并且圆满的完成了各种挑战。

“Z世代商业旅行家夏令营”   Business Traveler Camp for Generation Z

In order to make students feel a more vivid to the business world, in the summer of 2021, VINI launched the "2021 VINI Summer College Student Growth Plan " for universities in Chongqing, and invited more than 20 outstanding students to participate in the growth plan. VINI Summer Camp has set up a wealth of courses, There are many courses related to commercial brands, such as business logic analysis, brand positioning and planning, brand VI and other basic design knowledge, business negotiation skills, etc. In addition, interesting ability development courses were also arranged for students, such as Oral English courses for foreign teachers, Douyin operation courses and so on. Students learned a lot of that could not been seen in books , and successfully completed a variety of challenges.


In the future, VINI will continue to try to bring business and technology into the campus and provide more college students with opportunities and platforms for learning and growth.